Description from the author:
Impressionism. Canvas, oil. 100/70.
The purpose of the picture: to show a turkey man!
Inflated smug turkey
Direct posture gives the impression of self-confidence. However, some people with direct posture give the impression of pouting and smug, which makes them look like turkeys. Inflated often look arrogant people. In such a person, the head is raised as usual, and the elbows look to the sides. An inflated turkey pays a lot of attention to itself, and those around it are of little interest - they are indifferent to it. Smug turkeys tend to tell everyone in a row about their exclusivity, regardless of whether they want to listen to them or not. If you noticed such a feature, consider it and next time keep it modest.
Those who want to prove something to others feel the need to constantly demonstrate their superiority. If this need becomes obsessive, then a person is not confident in himself, does not believe in his own strength and does not value himself. Such people envy colleagues when their bosses praise them. The achievements and successes of friends knock them out of their ruts. Sanity gives way to a more primitive level of thinking that completely captures the turkey, and it loses the ability to reason critically.
In a turkey, the body is always over-dressed and the gestures are angular. His appearance is reminiscent of a bullfighter, his eyes are often heavy and arrogant. Turkeys often become aggressive in humans. Masculine women stick out their breasts forward, clench their fists and put their chin up, shaking their heads, and with all their appearance demonstrate their readiness for battle. Especially emotional turkeys live on the principle of “friend or enemy?”, Shove passers-by in the crowd, and mutter under their breath “Who better lives?” or "Around turkeys alone."
Unlike a turkey, a self-confident person with a direct posture is distinguished by harmonious gestures and open, friendly facial expressions.