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Famous politicians as artists. Adolf Hitler: revenge of unrecognized talent.

Famous politicians as artists. Adolf Hitler: revenge of unrecognized talent.

Many famous politicians have achieved impressive results not only in ruling the country and overthrowing ideological opponents, but also in a more peaceful field. For some of them, the path to painting was connected with the opportunity to escape from the daily "routine", and someone was forced to go into politics after unsuccessful exams at the Academy of Arts ... Looking at talented works, one is amazed at the giftedness and subtle sense of beauty, which sometimes surprisingly contrasts with the image of an odious historical figure.

From his youth, Adolf had a tender love for paintings, and he himself was fond of drawing. The young man passionately aimed to become an artist and had big hopes for admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Having been refused for the second time and having listened to the mocking comments of the “luminaries”, the guy decided to put an end to the career of the artist and went into politics. Most of the works were sold for nothing, some were thrown into the trash and handed out to friends. Looking at the serene Austrian landscapes and magnificent still lifes, you cannot believe that their author is one of the cruelest person in world history. However, Adolf Hitler kept his interest in painting until the end of his days. It is a pity that the craving for beauty began to be expressed in the political repressions of representatives of the "degenerative art" and the burning of their original paintings.


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